Royal Payne (she/her)

Royal Payne (she/her) 33 Big Easy Roller Derby

How did you come up with your name and number?
My last name is Payne so I wanted to incorporate a pun on the word “pain” into my derby name. “Royal Payne” just kind of made sense. I think The Lavender Menace was the first one to suggest it! I chose 33 because there’s a song I love call “Thirty-Three” by The Smashing Pumpkins.

When did you start playing roller derby/get involved with roller derby? How did you get involved?
To be perfectly honest, I thought playing derby looked really cool! I joined not knowing anything about the game or what I was getting myself into. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to show up until the day of intake. Part of my reasoning for joining (and sticking around) was to build community and make friends. I had only lived in New Orleans for about six months when I joined. I also wanted to push myself to try something outside of my comfort zone. I’ve never seriously trained for a sport before and tend to be risk-adverse. I’m also getting older and figured it was now or never!

Is there another skater that you look up to?
I look up to everyone who plays because it’s not an easy sport. Momma Mayhem is particularly inspirational because, like me, she started without any skate experience.

What kind of skates do you skate on?
Riedell R3’s with 92 wheels.

Do you have any short term or long term Derby Goals?
My goal is to keep pushing myself to get better and eventually play in a real bout. I try not to compare myself to others to set ambitious goals. I”ll be happy with myself if I continue to practice and improve at my own speed.

Favorite derby memory?
I don’t have a specific memory but I love the feeling I get at the end of a great practice. There are days I go to practice not feeling 100%, but end up having the best time. My body and mind feel so much better after exercising and spending time with friends.

What is some advice you’d give to someone who may be interested in joining roller derby?
If you are interested, just join! Don’t worry about your skill level, age, or any other factors. You can learn at your own pace.

What is the one song you blast on game day to get you PUMPED?
I don’t have one yet, but I would maybe pick something by Marina.

What does your life look like outside of roller derby?
It’s pretty boring, but I like that! I go to work and spend time with friends when I can. I’m usually happy to spend free time catching up or reading or watching TV.

How did you hear about the Big Easy Roller Derby?
Before I moved to New Orleans, I spent a summer here housesitting for a friend. I found the team after doing a quick Google search and thought it might be a fun thing to watch since I had so much free time and didn’t know many other people in town.