Rest N Peaces (she/her)

How did you come up with your name and number?
No super awesome story behind them really, I just had a thing for peace signs back when I started. Shout out to Brass Kicker for coming up with my name though! Number.. I was born in August, graduated 08 so 8 has just always been my lucky number.
When did you start playing roller derby?
October 2009
If you’re a ref, whats your favorite or least favorite penalty to call?
I’m expanding my knowledge as a ref, so I don’t call myself one yet… but I want nothing to do with pack reffing. Give me jam ref any day.
What position on the track do you play/prefer?
Since COVID, I’ve been really just playing where I’m most needed. I was a jammer for most of the time I’ve been playing and blocker every now and then. I’ve been enjoying being the pivot/brace, but still enjoy jamming.
What do you like to do after a game?
Get the biggest glass of sprite I can find and sit down. These derby bones are old lol
What is some advice you’d give to someone who may be interested in joining roller derby?
Give it a try! You’d be surprised at what you’re capable of and we will help you the whole way!
What is the one song you blast on game day to get you PUMPED?
X Gonna Give It to Ya- DMX