Raven Evergore (she/her)

Raven Evergore (she/her) 49 Big Easy Roller Derby

How did you come up with your name and number?
It’s an Edgar Allan Poe reference because I’m a little gothy. He died in 1849, but that’s a long number, so I shortened it to 49.

When did you start playing roller derby/get involved with roller derby? How did you get involved?
I started in 2010. I grew up playing almost every team sport, but I wanted something full contact, so I decided to try derby. Fell in love and never looked back.

What position on the track do you play/prefer?
I’m an ex-jammer, so I am more than happy to pivot. I love playing defense and offense.

Do you have any short term or long term derby goals??
I really want to help Big Easy get to Regional Playoffs before this old body gives out.

Favorite derby memory?
Torn between two: either making Team USA in 2017 (that still doesn’t seem real) or upsetting the playoffs bracket in 2015 to make it to WFTDA Champs with my Seattle team.

What is some advice you’d give to someone who may be interested in joining roller derby?
It can be pretty intimidating to start, but it’s so much more welcoming and supportive than you can imagine. This league in particular is incredibly accepting and encouraging. It’s hard work and you’ll know pretty quickly if it’s something for you. If it is, you’re going to join an amazing community and get to experience some really awesome things with the coolest people.