PR Mageddon (he/him)

PR Mageddon (he/him) Refs, NSOs, & Volunteers

How did you come up with your name and number?
I work in public relations. A “PRmageddon” is a complete public relations disaster.

How did you get in to roller derby?
I’ve been involved in roller derby for about 13 years (announcing for nine).

Do you have any short term or long term derby goals??
I’d love to announce games at WFTDA Championships. I’ve emceed two Champs (New Orleans and Montreal).

What position on the track do you play/prefer?

Favorite derby memory?
Champs in NOLA and Champs in Montreal. Both awesome events. Also being THA for Sweatfest twice and YallStars twice! Iove tournament announcing!

Do you have any specific pre-bout rituals?
Hydrate! Also, honey lemon cough drops for my voice, setting up my gear and getting all of my info together to have a good call!

What is the one song you blast on game day to get you PUMPED?
Anything on my playlist, but especially rollout songs for the All-Stars and Second Line!

What do you like to do after a game?
Relax! Maybe hit the after-party.

What is your life like outside of derby?
Busy. Married to the love of my life and raising our amazing daughter. I’m also an old-school gamer and a musician.

What is some advice you’d give to someone who may be interested in joining roller derby?
Do it! One of the best decisions of my life. I’ve made so many lifelong friends through derby.