Momma Mayhem (she/her)

How did you come up with your name and number?
My oldest son came up with my name. He said I am a mom and that I tend to cause Mayhem wherever I go. 3 is the number of children I have and 53 is their ages added together when I started Derby so 353.
When did you start playing roller derby/get involved with roller derby?
2017, I saw a post to come talk Derby and I did and then I came to the intake class and never looked back and have been doing derby for 6 years now.
Is there another skater that you look up to?
I look up to several skaters for different reasons. We have some amazing people on our team and everyone brings unique talents to the the team.
What kind of skates do you skate on?
I skate on Bonts
Do you have any short term or long term Derby Goals?
Just to have fun
What position on the track do you play/prefer?