JAWbreaker (she/her)

JAWbreaker (she/her) 888 Big Easy Roller Derby-Events Manager

How did you come up with your name and number?
I knew my initials would make a great derby option. There are 8 orders of sharks within the subclass Elasmobranchii.

When did you start playing roller derby/get involved with roller derby? How did you get involved?
I first learned of roller derby in college – I needed a group to write my ethnography on and a friend suggested our local team, the Bradentucky Bombers. My friend told me “It’s a bunch of people on skates beating the shit out of each other – you’ll love it.” They were right. I interviewed the skaters, attended newbie practices, and observed practices and bouts. That experience convinced me to join them one day. I started the process with Big Easy in January 2023.

What is some advice you’d give to someone who may be interested in joining roller derby?
Be patient with your body – it will grow into the sport. When I started, there were so many things that it took my body time to figure out – but bit by bit, we got there.

What does your life look like outside of roller derby?
I teach high school Spanish and coach (soccer and cross country). I run, play soccer in several different leagues, do triathlons, and love to read. I’m learning to cross-stitch, knit, and make flannel quilts.