Combat Rockette (she/her)

Combat Rockette (she/her) 90 Big Easy Roller Derby

How did you come up with your name and number?
Well, Combat Rock is the third best Clash album and has a derby-appropriate title. Then, you know, the Rockettes. That came in mostly because I liked the sound of the combination, but I also did jazz dance in my youth and was on a knockoff-Rockettes dance team. They say the best puns are the ones you have to explain… I spent my creative energy on my name, so 90 is just the year I was born.

When did you start playing roller derby/get involved with roller derby? How did you get involved?
I loved recreational roller skating and most of my friends didn’t like falling, so I was always short on skate buddies. People kept recommending roller derby, and from the little I’d seen of it (mostly the movie Whip It), I did think it looked awesome. The first time I looked up Big Easy, I’d barely missed the intake dates, and then again a few months later, but eventually I got there!

What is the one song you blast on game day to get you PUMPED?
I’m not game-eligible yet, but there are a couple of songs that I always feel like blasting on the way to practice. MIA’s “Paper Planes” is a timeless classic and has a connection to my derby name, iykyk. And Wet Leg’s “Too Late Now” technically has pretty unmotivating lyrics, but the whole vibe is liberating and just hearing the opening notes fill me with joy.

What does your life look like outside of roller derby?
I research things like public opinion on foreign aid, teach undergrads, and try to write a dissertation. Outside of that and derby, I like taking photos, reading fiction, watching Jeopardy, and most of all hanging out with my dog, Zadie.

What is some advice you’d give to someone who may be interested in joining roller derby?
Even if you, like me, have been hit in the head by [insert applicable ball] more times than you’ve played [insert sport], it’s not too late to find a team sport that you love.