Beatrix Skiddo (she/her)

Beatrix Skiddo (she/her) 81 Big Easy Roller Derby-Trainer

How did you get in to roller derby? Back before Katrina, I saw a roller derby reality show and thought, “I can do that.”

How did you hear about the Big Easy Rollergirls? As it so happened, there was a derby league was slowly reforming in 2006 in New Orleans and I had no idea. I used to work at a skating rink growing up. My old boss (and Uncle), Leon, called me up one day and said I needed to come check this out, so I did. The rest is history.

What else do you want your fans to know about you? I may or may not appreciate a good timed hug. I’ll never tell.

What is your life like outside of derby? I really like the color purple. But I’m pretty sure everyone knows that already. And apparently I’m a bit of a budding rock star. This should be interesting! I’m not really sure if there is a life “outside of roller derby” these days.

I’m pretty sure I was an ok kid before roller derby, with a graphic design day job and a part time hobby. But it becomes a part of you and you of it. You meld into this motley crew of older, younger, women, men, mothers, widows, sisters, children, leaders, instigators, peace keepers, teammates, frienemys, drinking buddies, workout partners, support systems, and life long friends.