Big Easy Rollergirls AllStars Skate-A-Thon fundraiser

You know that your Big Easy Rollergirls skate through Hell and High Water, but on February 12, 2016, they will be skating NON-STOP!

On February 12, 2016 from 7pm-8pm, the AllStars will be skating in their first ever Skate-A-Thon!


Our AllStars will use that entire hour to complete as many laps as they can, with all proceeds benefitting the AllStar Travel Fund. Those interested in supporting the AllStars can make a pledge to sponsor a skater. Sponsors can either pledge a set donation or donate per lap.

The options for “per lap” are $.10, $.15, $.20. In order to protect the sponsors from our lightning-fast Rollergirls, those donating on a “per lap” basis must include a max dollar amount of their choosing (ex: $.20 per lap or up to $100).

You can donate via the PayPal button below.

***In the notes section of the purchase, please include the following: “AllStar Skate-A-Thon donation; Skater you are sponsoring; Sponsor’s name (you); donation amount.”

Please alert your skater before you donate and once donation is sent so they can verify it went through!

Please help the Big Easy Rollergirls AllStars continue to travel to play roller derby and represent the Big Easy nationwide. Donate Today!